Tuesday saw the DCGI approve Bharat Biotech’s first intranasal Covid-19 vaccine for primary vaccination against the virus for those over the age of 18. Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya praised the accomplishment, calling it a “Big Boost to India’s Fight Against COVID-19.”
Mandaviya tweeted, “Big Boost to India’s Fight Against COVID-19! Bharat Biotech’s ChAd36-SARS-CoV-S COVID-19 (Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vectored) recombinant nasal vaccine approved by @CDSCO_INDIA_INF for primary immunization against COVID-19 in 18+ age group for restricted use in emergency situation.” Adding again that “This step will further strengthen our collective fight against the pandemic. India has harnessed its science, R&D, and human resources in the fight against COVID-19 under PM@NarendraModi Ji’s leadership. With the science-driven approach & Sabka Prayas, we will defeat COVID-19.”
Big Boost to India’s Fight Against COVID-19!
— Dr Mansukh Mandaviya (@mansukhmandviya) September 6, 2022
Bharat Biotech’s ChAd36-SARS-CoV-S COVID-19 (Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vectored) recombinant nasal vaccine approved by @CDSCO_INDIA_INF for primary immunization against COVID-19 in 18+ age group for restricted use in emergency situation.
Bharat Biotech stated last month that it had conducted two separate trials for its intranasal Covid vaccine, one as a primary dose schedule and another as a booster dose, for subjects who have been double vaccinated with the two commonly administered Covid vaccines in India. These trials were phase-III and booster dose trials for the intranasal Covid-19 vaccine.
According to a statement from BBIL, it has been shown in controlled trials to be safe, well-tolerated, and immunogenic in participants.
According to the firm, national regulatory authorities have received the data from both of the Phase III human clinical trials that have been filed for approval.