Wednesday, October 16

Day: September 24, 2024

Death by Desk: Speak Up and Stay Alive
Finance, Health, Opinion, Tech Corner

Death by Desk: Speak Up and Stay Alive

The recent tragic news of the death of a young employee Anna Sebastian Perayil from Ernst & Young in India has brought back into focus the Corporate India's most dreaded affliction, that is 'STRESS' from the workplace. This incident has sparked discussions about the detrimental effects of high-pressure work environments on young professionals and the apparent lack of empathy and support from organizations. Also that no colleague of her attended her funeral has pinpointed the ever growing isolation many people feel in their work environments. This incident is a wake up call for an urgent need for change. Overworked & Overwhelmed The corporate world, particularly in sectors like finance, consulting, and software, is known for its intense and fast paced work culture, which is mo...