Wednesday, October 16

Month: September 2024

Death by Desk: Speak Up and Stay Alive
Finance, Health, Opinion, Tech Corner

Death by Desk: Speak Up and Stay Alive

The recent tragic news of the death of a young employee Anna Sebastian Perayil from Ernst & Young in India has brought back into focus the Corporate India's most dreaded affliction, that is 'STRESS' from the workplace. This incident has sparked discussions about the detrimental effects of high-pressure work environments on young professionals and the apparent lack of empathy and support from organizations. Also that no colleague of her attended her funeral has pinpointed the ever growing isolation many people feel in their work environments. This incident is a wake up call for an urgent need for change. Overworked & Overwhelmed The corporate world, particularly in sectors like finance, consulting, and software, is known for its intense and fast paced work culture, which is mo...
Across the Aisle: Rivals but not Enemies
Opinion, Politics, World News

Across the Aisle: Rivals but not Enemies

In a recent podcast with an influencer, Kangana Ranaut, now a member of the Indian Parliament, expressed great surprise and a little disillusionment at the ways in which our Parliamentarians across party lines argue with each other vehemently in the parliament, yet once the debate is over, everyone is very friendly with each other outside. Any one of us would have experienced the same if we were first time Members of the Parliament to see our MPs debating like they were baying for each other's blood on the floor of the parliament, and then to come outside and be chummy as if nothing had happened. I once had heard a story about how Asaduddin Owaisi and Yogi Adityanath used to sit together in Parliament canteen for breakfast despite being fiery opponents of each other in the parliament(can'...
Rambling Fool or Cautious ‘Chithi’: A Faustian Bargain for India
Opinion, Politics, World News

Rambling Fool or Cautious ‘Chithi’: A Faustian Bargain for India

I watched the recent debate between former US President Trump and Democratic Party nominee Kamala Harris. It was hilarious to the core. I remember watching US Presidential Election debate twelve years ago between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney which had so much substance and wonder today how the standards of such debates have stooped so low. Trump who looked like he had mellowed down since his last presidential stint, made a complete clown of himself mid-debate when he suggested that Asian immigrants are eating pet dogs and cats of Americans. Kamala Harris on the other hand was more articulate and used her rich experience of the legal world to knock Trump out in each and every argument and showed the viewers who is really capable of becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the United States’ force...
The Great Bengaluru Brawl
Miscellaneous, Opinion

The Great Bengaluru Brawl

The city of Bengaluru is in the news for all the wrong reasons again due to a recent ugly incident between an auto-driver and girl students. The incident started with a ride-cancellation in an ride-hailing app and the auto-driver flew into a rage of verbal indecency against the girls and the subsequent sharing of the video of this incident on social media caused huge uproar, mainly decrying the unfriendliness of the city itself. The reputation of Bengaluru as a cosmopolitan city has taken a considerable hit in the recent times not just because of this incident but also due to various sporadic incidents including the road rage one's, that are frequently occurring and have been captured courtesy of the easily available dash-cams. To analyse this in detail, it is quite confounding to see s...